Document Type : Original Article


1 Yazd university, Yazd, Iran.

2 K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.


The CCC-r chart is developed based on cumulative count of a conforming (CCC) control chart that considers the cumulative number of items inspected until observing r nonconforming ones. Typically, the samples obtained from the process are analyzed through 100% inspection to exploit the CCC-r chart. However, considering the inspection cost and time would limit its implementation. In this paper, we investigate the performance of CCC-r chart with variable sampling interval (CCC-rVSI chart). The efficiency of CCC-rVSI chart is compared with fixed sampling interval (FSI) scheme of CCC-r chart (CCC-rFSI chart) and CCCVSI chart. The comparison results show that CCC-rVSI chart is more efficient than the CCCVSI chart in reducing the average time to signal (ATS) and also CCC-rVSI chart performs better than CCC-rFSI chart. In addition, some sensitivity analyses are performed to illustrate the effect of the input parameters on the performance of CCC-rVSI chart.


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